Beadwork Designs  by  Joanie  Jenniges

"Hearts"  Pattern - FREE

Use My Pattern to Create a Bracelet, Ring, Headband or Strap

        "Hearts" Bracelet Pattern:          
        Hearts Pattern          
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 You may use instructions, designs, graphics and photographs to create items for personal use, gifts or "pin money" only giving credit to the designer, but may not not mass produce items; reproduce, sell or copy, the instructions, designs, graphics or photographs, or use designs or instructions in teaching, with kits or in contests without the written permission of Joanie Jenniges. You may NOT use or copy any content of or from this website or from a class, including photographs and design, or represent it in any venue as an original design. You may NOT rewrite or copy designs, articles or tutorials from a website, class, purchased or published materials.  ©   Thank you!

Copyright © - Beadwork Designs & Joanie Jenniges.   All Rights Reserved.